Monday, December 15, 2008

break free

"A heart at peace gives life to the body, but envy rots the bones."
Proverbs 14:30

You know it’s not right, but you feel powerless to stop it. Thoughts creep into your mind and take over. You try to rationalize your feelings, but can’t shake the effect they have. As you stand admiring the blessings of others, that aching sensation deep within you grows stronger. It is the dangerous game of envy.

“Why doesn’t something like that ever happen to me?”

“They don’t deserve that as much as I do!”

The torment of these thoughts can cause you to lose sleep, lose focus and lose your sense of contentment. And the worst part is that it can cause you to lose your trust in God and disregard the awsome stuff He is doing in your life.

Don’t let envy become an uncontrollable force in your life. Instead, rely on God to give you the strength to overcome it. Every time you feel envy start to well up inside of you, identify it for what it is. Rather than focusing on what you don’t have, take a moment to thank God for what you do have.

Then you will discover what it means to truly break free and experience the peace that only God can provide!


Anonymous said...

Thank you for your blog. It came at a very apprpriate time. Just got done paying the bills and we are going to be tight again for a week or so. Feeling down then I read your blog and immediatedly thought of Paul being content in all circumstances. Then when I thought of Paul I felt God's grace being sufficient for me. God bless you.

The Pointe said...

God has creative ways of revealing His will for our lives even in those times He seems so far away from us.

Thank you for your comment and come back to visit. I would enjoy hearing from you again.