Monday, March 16, 2009

The race of time!

There are several companies that have made a fortune tapping into a resource everyone has, but few use to the best of their ability. They do not create more of this resource, although many customers feel that they come close. In fact, they really have no more claim to this precious commodity than anyone else. But what these companies have capitalized on is the management of this resource: time.

Through various forms of calendars, day planners and organizers, companies like Franklin Covey and Day-Timer help people to maximize the limited time they have. The goal is not literally to create more time. That would be impossible. The goal is to use the time each person is allotted to its fullest potential, creating an illusion of having more hours in a day.

God has set a limit on our time. When we run out of time, there is no way to get more. The average person may have 70 to 80 years worth of time available, provided they take appropriate care of their bodies. Even those with an above average life span only have about 100 years. And God wants to accomplish amazing things with that amount of time.

When we truly understand how precious and limited our time is, we are left with the very important decision of what to do with it. When we closely align our God-directed priorities with our biblically-guided commitments, we will find ourselves in tune with what God wants. And that is the best way to ensure we are making perfect use of the time we are given.

"Your eyes saw my unformed body. All the days ordained for me were written in your book before one of them came to be." Psalm 139:16

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