Wednesday, May 27, 2009

God's Help!

Imagine calling your doctor to schedule an appointment. You begin to explain your symptoms to the nurse, when she abruptly stops you and tells you that the doctor is no longer seeing sick patients, only healthy ones.

As ridiculous as that sounds, it is exactly what some religions have done to God. They have tried to make God the doctor who doesn't care for or heal the sick. Other religions teach that God will only accept those who live righteous and perfect lives. They talk about the illness we all have called sin, but they put the responsibility on us to cure ourselves. That is not God's plan.

"It is not the healthy who need a doctor, but the sick. I have not come to call the righteous, but sinners." Mark 2:17

Jesus came so all of us could be healed. He wants us to come to him just the way we are. You don't get well and then go to the doctor; you go to the doctor so you can get well.

We don't have to be righteous to come to Jesus. We come to him so he can make us righteous in His sight. Don't try to live a perfect life. You don't have the power or ability. Instead, recognize your need for a doctor and turn to the only one who can heal you. Turn to Jesus because God's help fits your needs!

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