Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Most people would say that math is no fun. We tend to think of it as the subject in school that was just there to bring down our GPAs or cause us unneeded stress.

But math is important—especially in God's supernatural equation. And God's math is much more exciting than anything we may have done in school. But his math also gives us reason to pause, because it may not be what we think.

For example, subtraction doesn't have the same meaning it did for us in school. We think of subtraction as a loss. But in God's equation, subtraction is the one thing that actually allows us to have a connection with him.

Jesus' sole purpose for coming to earth, living a perfect life, dying a sacrificial death and rising again was to subtract the sin from our lives. He came to take away those things that keep us from a relationship with God. And if we are going to grow as believers, it is vital that we understand God's subtraction equation.

Think about your life today. What is God telling you to subtract from your life? Whatever it is, he wants you to subtract it so that you can grow. Turn to him and allow him to take away the sins in your life so that you can enjoy the life that he intends.

"The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away (subtracts) the sin of the world!"John 1:29

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