Monday, November 30, 2009

Instead of tugging, learn to ...

"...because judgment without mercy will be shown to anyone who has not been merciful. Mercy triumphs over judgment!" James 2:13

One of the statements or criticisms made by people who don’t follow Christ is that Christianity is a crutch for the weak. But this verse shows that the Christian life is not for the timid. It takes incredible strength to stand up for mercy and to treat others the way God has commanded.

When we clock out of this life, every one of us will stand before God. And it’s then that he is going to judge us; he’s going to make us give an account of every word, thought and action we ever said, thought or did while we were here on earth. And he is going to show us the same kind of mercy that we showed to others.

That is actually a difficult reality to face. When we get cut off in traffic or someone jams us or talks about us behind our back, our instinct is to lash out and get them back, to hold a grudge or wish them harm. But that’s exactly when we need to remember this verse.

God is going to hold you to the same standard you use with others. So don’t judge, and don’t lash out or hold grudges. Instead, release that situation into God’s hands. Exhibit the strength of mercy, which triumphs over all, and then you can truly say you tried to reach people for Christ!

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