Monday, January 18, 2010

Love won't let you down...

"Love your neighbor as yourself." Romans 13:9

Scripture should be the standard that we use to measure how we live our lives. In every situation and circumstance, we need to allow God’s Word to determine how we behave, rather than allowing our feelings to determine our actions and reactions.

If Scripture is going to be our guide for life, then love has to be the law. The essence of Christianity is love. In fact, it was because of love that God sent Jesus Christ to die for us. And because of that, we should initiate this outflow of love to others.

But the love described here isn’t a fleeting feeling or evaporating emotion; it’s an action word that takes a constant commitment in treating others the way God treats each of us. And as we learn to treat people with kindness, respect, mercy and grace, we will discover that we are being transformed from the inside out.

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