Wednesday, July 29, 2009


Politicians want the public to believe that they are just like their constituents. But no matter how much they try, they will never truly understand the needs of their voters unless they actually share the same type of lifestyle and live in similar communities.

Unlike politicians, Jesus never gives us an illusion of identity. He knew that it would be hard to convince people that living a godly life was possible unless he became flesh and actually lived it himself. So that's exactly what he did.

Just as he physically connected with people over two thousand years ago, he spiritually connects with us today on a level that we can understand. Jesus knows the things we struggle with in this life because he faced the same issues. He dealt with relationships and temptations—the same as we do today.

There will be times when you feel alone, and that no one understands what you are going through. But take comfort in knowing that Jesus has walked in your shoes, and understands exactly where you are. Trust in God as you deal with your daily struggles and allow him to help you walk through the storms. You are not alone!

"The Word (Jesus)became flesh and made his dwelling among us."
John 1:14

Wednesday, July 22, 2009


When you think about division, you probably think about separation. So on the surface, it seems paradoxical to say that God is into division. After all, God is about unity and adding people to his kingdom.

But if we look closely at the Scriptures, we can see that God made the decision for division a long time ago.

Division is apparent in his very essence and being: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit—three in one, one in three.

Division is also apparent in the local church: God has divided different gifts into people's lives to reflect his character and personality.

Each of us has been given specific talents and gifts for the purpose of spreading his Word. We have our gifts to help reach others for his glory.

Think about your life. What talents or gifts has God given to you? Use those gifts the way that he intended. Because after all, that is how his mathematical equation will ultimately be completed—through each of us using the gifts he has divided among us to reach people who count to God.

Be the church!

Wednesday, July 15, 2009

Just Lust?

Lust speaks different languages to men and women. Men are physical creatures, so tempting thoughts often begin with some form of visual stimulation. A woman, on the other hand, can find herself knocking at the door of lust's temptation when a man plays on her emotions.

No matter what language it uses, we are not to entertain the thoughts that lust is trying to speak into our mind. Scripture tells us to think on things that are pure, admirable, noble, right, and lovely so that we can steer clear of temptation. In other words, we should only think about things that will build us up. And lustful thoughts, if we entertain them at all, are sure to tear us down.

God has given us the beautiful gift of sexual desire with the intention of sharing it with only one person—our spouse. So before you allow a tempting thought to warp its way into a harmful action, take a step back. Recognize the lies of lust. And allow God to replace those lustful thoughts with thoughts that will bring you closer to him. Just a thought-:o)

Wednesday, July 8, 2009


Most people would say that math is no fun. We tend to think of it as the subject in school that was just there to bring down our GPAs or cause us unneeded stress.

But math is important—especially in God's supernatural equation. And God's math is much more exciting than anything we may have done in school. But his math also gives us reason to pause, because it may not be what we think.

For example, subtraction doesn't have the same meaning it did for us in school. We think of subtraction as a loss. But in God's equation, subtraction is the one thing that actually allows us to have a connection with him.

Jesus' sole purpose for coming to earth, living a perfect life, dying a sacrificial death and rising again was to subtract the sin from our lives. He came to take away those things that keep us from a relationship with God. And if we are going to grow as believers, it is vital that we understand God's subtraction equation.

Think about your life today. What is God telling you to subtract from your life? Whatever it is, he wants you to subtract it so that you can grow. Turn to him and allow him to take away the sins in your life so that you can enjoy the life that he intends.

"The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him and said, "Look, the Lamb of God, who takes away (subtracts) the sin of the world!"John 1:29

Friday, July 3, 2009

Can we really know...

In America, we enjoy freedom that many people throughout the world don't have the opportunity to experience. We can drive across state lines or fly coast-to-coast without the restriction of checking with some government agency first. We have the ability to buy what we want, wear what we want and live where we want.

Yet, as great as the freedom in America is, there is an even greater freedom that every citizen of the world has the opportunity to know. It is the freedom that comes through a relationship with Christ.

Before knowing Jesus Christ, we're each restricted in life, bound by sin. Even if we don't realize it, our sin holds us back from experiencing all that God has in store for us. After beginning a relationship with Christ, though, that restriction is released, the binding is broken. And we can walk through each day and into forever, eternally free.

So as you celebrate the freedom you've been given by the sacrifice of thousands of Americans in the past, remember the ultimate sacrifice paid for you—the sacrifice Jesus made on the cross. Acknowledge his sacrifice, accept the fact that he is God's son, and begin to walk alongside him. Then you will begin to understand true freedom.

"Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life." Revelation 22:17

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

The Grace of Giving

Everyone is susceptible to greed whether we make twenty-five thousand or twenty-five million dollars a year. We convince ourselves that we deserve a nicer car, bigger house, fancier clothes, and more money. But no matter what amount of money you have, God has blessed you with it so that you can bless others.

There's nothing wrong with excelling in our careers or enjoying nice things. But God also wants us to excel in giving. When we are more concerned with keeping up with the Joneses than living the life God has in store for us, those things become problems in our lives.

Are you caught in the grip of greed and materialism? If so, it will drag you out of the sweet spot of God's success. God wants you to enjoy life. Start today by realizing that everything is from God and life is not just about obtaining things. It's also about excelling in the grace of giving.

"But just as you excel in everything—in faith, in speech, in knowledge, in complete earnestness and in your love for us—see that you also excel in this grace of giving."2 Corinthians 8:7