Monday, September 28, 2009

Is there a good time to be alone?

What do you think would happen to your body if you only ate one meal per week? You would probably be very sick because your body would not get the nutrition it needs to keep its natural defense system in tact. Your body would be left vulnerable and the slightest germ could result in a total body breakdown.

Many of us suffer from spiritual malnutrition. We come to church once a week and think that we will be equipped to fight Satan’s daily schemes and tactics. But no matter how incredible impactful the message is, it will not sustain you. True spiritual health requires regular spiritual meals. You must spend time with God, regularly dining on His Word—the Bible—and enjoying His company through prayer.

Even Jesus spent time alone with God, His Father. Jesus spent most of His public ministry teaching and talking about God’s truth, letting God work through Him. But He knew that was not enough. Jesus knew he needed to spend regular time with God in order to stay energized and carry out his demanding schedule.

"Very early in the morning, while it was still dark, Jesus got up, left the house and went off to a solitary place, where He prayed." Mark 1:35

Monday, September 21, 2009

Are you...

Imagine you are the CEO of a Fortune 500 company, and you were invited to a world-class financial seminar. As the seminar host introduces the guest speaker, you realize they have the credentials of a small village farmer. You may appreciate what the speaker has accomplished in his village. And the speaker’s message may be valuable—it’s just not valuable to you. Because without identification, there is little value.

Jesus realized the connection between identification and value in his teachings. When Jesus taught, he identified with the needs of the crowd. He captivated the interests of the audience because they could identify with what he taught. His FOCUS was to give real answers that would meet the real needs of people.

Before Jesus went back to heaven, he put us in charge of his earthly ministry. He challenged us to share his life-changing love with others and the biblical principles that apply to people’s immediate needs. That doesn’t mean we have to bog people down with a bunch of Christian-ese and historical Bible facts. We just have to take our cue from Christ’s example and provide simple answers for the needs of those around us.

Monday, September 14, 2009

When God says NO!

When Jesus reached the spot, he looked up and said to him, “Zacchaeus, come down immediately. I must stay at your house today.” So he came down at once and welcomed him gladly. All the people saw this and began to mutter, “He has gone to be the guest of a ‘sinner.’” Luke 19:5-7

Usually when you hear the phrase, “for the greater good,” you know that someone is not about to get what they want. Parents tell their children “no” for the greater good. Leaders go against popular opinion for the greater good. Those are situations that we are more likely to accept. But what happens when God doesn’t answer a prayer for the greater good?

In the verses you read today, Jesus went against what most people thought was the greater good. His actions were always fueled by his desire to do what God wanted. Jesus declared that he “came to seek and to save what was lost.” And in some cases, that meant Jesus had to do something that made no sense to the onlookers.

The reality of a seemingly unanswered prayer can be overwhelming. Why would God not want to honor a good prayer request? The answer is very simple. God always passes over the “good” to make sure we have what’s “best.” The Bible says that God’s ways and thoughts are not like ours. He created us. So trust him as the Creator of your life to make decisions that will impact your life - for the greater good, and don't allow his silence to be mistaken for absence!

Monday, September 7, 2009

Are you on...

Do you find it hard to believe people who say they have the power to heal others? In a society where science is supreme, miraculous healings just don’t add up. Many find it hard enough to accept the healings written about in the Bible, let alone believe in miraculous healings today.

Although the power of God is hard to comprehend, he is just as strong today as he was when the Bible was written. He is still active in the world, healing his creation and empowering believers to carry out his plan. This includes working through the prayers of believers to heal the sick. But God is not a magic genie who is obligated to grant our wishes. He listens to our prayers and works on our behalf within the parameters of his plan.

Do you have doubts that God still heals? That’s okay. Just be sure to bring those doubts to God. Be honest with him while you talk about your belief or disbelief in miracles. God doesn’t want us to compartmentalize our faith. He wants us to have faith in him with all things and trust that he will work everything out for our good. Are you on faithbook?