In its impure form, gold doesn't have much value. Before it can be made into coins, jewelry or other valuables, it must be refined. The impurities must be burned out or skimmed off, and the real gold melted and collected together. In ancient times, the purest gold was refined seven times in a hot fire. Some say that the ultimate test of purity was for the gold to be so clear and smooth that the refiner could see his own reflection in the molten metal.
We are like the unrefined gold—mixed with dirt and impurities. Only God can see the real gold mixed in. In order to make us beautiful and useful, God has to refine us. The trials and temptations that we face in life are like the fire that the refiner uses to remove the impurities. It is painful to be refined. No one enjoys being in the fire, but we can rejoice knowing that God is using the fire for our ultimate good.
Read 1 Peter 1:6-7. Have you turned yourself over to God to be refined? What trials do you have in your life right now? How do you think God might be using them for your benefit?
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