Thursday, October 16, 2008

Are You Living the High Life?

"I have heard that the spirit of the gods is in you and you have insight, intelligence and outstanding wisdom." Daniel 5:14

Daniel had a reputation as a man of faith, wisdom and intelligence. Many years had passed since Daniel had interpreted Nebuchadnezzar's dream for him, but his reputation had stayed in tact. So when Belshazzar, Nebuchadnezzar's son, needed help, he turned to the one man who had a reputation for being able to deliver.

But Daniel had more than his reputation. He had the character to back it up. Daniel lived a life of faith. He had a devotion to prayer. And he trusted in God to give him the wisdom and intelligence to help him make a difference in the world.

It's been said that reputation is your photograph; character is your face. Are you living a life marked by faith? Do you have a devotion to prayer? Can others look at your reputation and then see the character to back it up?

Don't simply rely on your reputation to help you through life. Instead, live the high life by seeking God through prayer. And allow him to develop your character so you can make a difference in the world.

Are you living the high life?

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