Friday, October 31, 2008

Rethink Life With Christ!

Jesus made a statement that changed the course of history and made our future bright!
"You may ask me for anything in my name, and I will do it." John 14:14.
Saying, "In Jesus' name" at the end of every prayer is so strongly ingrained in Christian culture that we often miss the power of those words. Many of us don't even give them a second thought. It's time to rethink the "in Jesus' name" part of our prayers, to take some time to consider the implications of those three words. Think about what it means to speak in Jesus' name. Because of Jesus, we are forgiven of our sins when we ask. Because of Jesus, we have eternal salvation. Because of Jesus, we don't have to endure God's wrath. Because of Jesus, we have a new life. Because of Jesus, you and we have access to God. When we bring our prayers before God and ask him to answer us because of Jesus, we are asking him to remember Jesus' payment for our sins. We are saying, "Because of Jesus, I know you, God. And I know that you hear me because of what Jesus has done." Don't look at praying in Jesus' name as the magical formula. Don't simply tack it to the end of a selfish prayer in hopes that it will sway God's answer. Instead, consider the sanctity and seriousness of saying "In Jesus' name." And make sure the words that come before that phrase are worthy of that phrase. Can you think of other possible ways that Christians need to rethink life with Christ?

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