Monday, January 5, 2009

Sowing and Reaping!

Providing for people in need is a way of giving thanks for what we have been given. It’s like silently saying, "God has blessed me and He has asked me to share that with you."

If we are generous, God will return the favor. When we sow, we scatter God’s blessings for growth. When we reap, we harvest those blessings. Reaping and sowing are a unified, continuous process that requires a diligent and ongoing obedience to God.

When you are obedient and share what you have with others, you will be provided with all you need, every time you need it. When you give cheerfully and unselfishly, you are demonstrating your faith. And the hearts of those you touch, even with the smallest of gestures, will be blessed as they give thanks to God for your obedience.

Are you lacking in any specific area of your life? Check out this verse:

"Remember this - a farmer who plants only a few seeds will get a small crop. But the one who plants generously will get a generous crop." 2 Corinthians 9:6

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