Tuesday, December 15, 2009


Speak and act as those who are going to be judged by the law that gives freedom.
James 2:12

If you are a Christian, how do other people know? If you boil it down, what evidence shows others that you have accepted Christ as your Savior? It all comes down to actions, how you behave and treat others.

We are saved because of our profession of faith in God and what his Son, Jesus, did for us on the cross. We do not receive our salvation because of good behavior. But our faith should be evident in the things that we do. In other words, our talk and our walk have to be in sync.

No matter who we are dealing with at the time, God expects us to reveal Christ to others. The greatest way to do that is through our actions. God wants us to speak and act in ways that reflect his mercy, his grace and his forgiveness.

As you go through each day, look for ways to mirror the compassion of God. Exhibit kindness in everything you do and say. And readily offer forgiveness to those who have hurt you. Treat everyone as Christ has treated you, and you will discover the life-change that comes from being “judged by the law that gives freedom.”

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