Wednesday, December 23, 2009


"Honor the LORD with your wealth, with the firstfruits of all your crops; then your barns will be filled to overflowing, and your vats will brim over with new wine." Proverbs 3:9-10

God has given us a tool to help us understand that we are managers. This tool helps us better resist the temptation to think that we are the creators of what God blesses us with. That tool is the tithe. Very simply, the tithe is 10% of whatever comes into your household.

Satan knows that the tithe is a powerful tool in our lives. And he is a master in how he deceives us and convinces us to hoard this resource rather than bringing it back to God. Satan’s goal is to keep us living outside of God’s blessing by whispering excuses into our lives like: “You can’t afford it,” or “It’s ok to just give a little bit after you take care of everything else.”

Whenever you are tempted to play the role of owner instead of being a good steward; whenever you are tempted to keep the tithe for yourself rather than returning it to God, just remember the motives of Satan. He doesn’t want you to be blessed, and doesn’t want you to be a blessing to others. Take care of first things first and always bring God what is rightfully his. Because when you are faithful in the tithe, the blessings you will experience will always be worth it!

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Russell Earl Kelly said...
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