Thursday, December 18, 2008

Spiritual Proclamation

What does it mean to be a Christ-Follower?

Majorities of young people in America describe modern-day Christianity as judgmental, hypocritical and anti-gay. What's more, many Christians don't even want to call themselves "Christian" because of the baggage that accompanies the label. The findings were based on surveys of a sample of 867 young people between the ages of 16-29 by the Barna Research Group.

One in four non-Christians said that modern-day Christianity was no longer like Jesus.

Dr. Rick Warren, pastor of Saddleback Church and author of The Purpose Driven Life recently said, "For some time now, the hands and feet of the body of Christ have been amputated, and we've been pretty much reduced to a big mouth."

Something is really, really wrong with popular American Christianity.

How do we change the tide? How do we reach those between the ages of 16-29 that feel a disconnect with the church? How can we reveal to them the genuine love of God?


Anonymous said...

Don’t just tolerate them, accept them and love them. Show them how much fun it is to be a follower of Christ.

The Pointe said...

Thank you anonymous for your post. That is a very good answer!

To tolerate is to patronize. The younger generation need to be accepted just like they are with NO strings attached.

It's a little messy though for people who have been in church for a long period of time.

Also, some church folks feel as if the gospel has been compromised if they accept people just like they are ..... even though that's the hymn we grew up on, "Just as I am".