Wednesday, November 26, 2008

Concrete Jungle

Then he said to his disciples, "The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field."
Matthew 9:37-38

We work, live and play in a field that is ready for harvest. Maybe the farming reference doesn't do it for you. Maybe you call it a concrete jungle or the rat race. But no matter what you've labeled it, it is life. And this life, your life, is full of people who need to hear the message of Christ.

Jesus is looking for people to help him with his harvest. He's looking for people to blaze a trail through the jungle or run the race. In other words, he wants us to reach out to those people in our lives and share his message. We're not talking about some far off place in a country we've never been to. This field, this opportunity is here, right under our feet.

You have opportunities every day to help Christ spread his message. You have them in your home, at your job, and around your community. Remember that each person you see could be lost and wandering, waiting to hear God's direction for their lives.

Be aware of the people who watch you every day. Do they see you reaching out or just tending to your own needs? Remember, you can't make people come to know Christ; only God has the power to cultivate their souls. All you are called to do is be a willing worker in the field, a survivor in that jungle or a participant in the race seeking those opportunities to show the love of Christ every day.

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