Friday, November 14, 2008


Serving From The Heart...
What makes a trip to the grocery store or retail store or even a church something to remember? Are there certain events, actions, moments, experiences that say to us as we leave... "Wow. I want to come back here."? I think there are. What brings someone to transform from being a 1st time guest to a returning, excited, can't-bear-to-miss-out "family member?" Granger Community Church in Granger, IN calls it the "Wow Factor." Wal-Mart and other retailers call it "Creating Loyal Customers For Life."

Scripture calls it "Hospitality."

Paul wrote.."Share with God's people who are in need. Practice hospitality". Rom. 12:13 (NIV)
To me... It's that "Hospitality Factor" that begins the transformation of a 1st time guest into a returning, excited, can't-bear-to-miss-out family member. And when guests keep coming back, they experience the powerful love of God, the incredible true messages of Jesus, and the life-changing experience of the Holy Spirit that helps them take their next step in their relationship with God.
The question is... How can those who have already said "Yes" to Jesus shine in their Hospitality Factor? Great question. We can learn a lot from those who have studied, researched, and been successful in helping people feel welcomed. Click here to watch a short clip and see how one young man changed the entire atmosphere of a grocery store.
Wow! What can you do to increase your "Hospitality Factor?"

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