Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Relevant Christianity

Things are changing, have you noticed? Rapidly.
Just recently Apple announced the release of their SDK to developers, to take the iPhone to the next level. If you watched the presentation, maybe it soaked in, they were living in a very, very different world.

Those who are not able to keep up with the pace of change are going to be headed down a long road toward irrelevance.

This is a warning to those of us who lead, particularly to those who lead churches. Churches are notorious for resisting change. But if we don’t, we, like everything else around us will be stuck going down a long road toward irrelevance. What are you setting in place today? What are you dismantling? What are you setting in place today that you won’t be able to dismantle tomorrow?

If you can’t answer that question, you may be on the long road toward irrelevance.

Would you like to leave a comment on how you think resisting change can impact us individually as well as corporately?


Anonymous said...

Just want to say I agree with your assessment of churches being notorious in resisting change. So many of the traditional chuches/denominatons have lost membership because of their hard stances on everything in life. They have become bastions of legalism and thus have not heard the words of Jesus when he ranted against the established Pharisees.

Living in the knowledge of Jesus brings freedom. By nature freedom will bring about change and everyones "want to's" will change to the nature of Jesus. So if churches can stand letting go of their legalism, the fredom in Christ will bring that about anyway.

The Pointe said...

Thanks anonymous for your post. You make a good point! There is something very liberating about following Christ. Liberating because it causes us to "think" outside the realm of what people are doing and go where Christ is leading. The only true constant is change. Nothing stays the same. We talk about people's hairstyle not changing since the 70's, etc. but if we look closely enough for long enough we find change - it's called gray. Church leaders need to be able to embrace change and lead people their accordingly. If they don't do it, they will sadly lead people into an irrelevant and subjective way of life in Christ.